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Why are Small Businesses Targeted by Hackers

Although it’s cyber attacks on giants like Target and Chase Bank that make the news, small businesses are actually more often the victims of hacks. You would think that there would be less valuable information to steal, not really making them worth going after. So why are small businesses targeted by hackers? In reality, small […]

Things Your Business Shouldn’t Skimp On

As a business owner, one of your ongoing challenges is the balancing act of keeping costs low while not limiting your growth and success. There are a few areas where it is okay to be tight fisted, but for some expenses, cutting corners will only hurt you. 3 of the main things your business shouldn’t […]

Benefits of Letting Employees Work from Home

Have you considered letting your employees work from home, but aren’t sure what’s in it for you? The reason working from home has become such a huge trend is because it is great for both employee and employer. Some of the benefits of letting employees work from home are that they will be more productive, […]